Monday, June 7, 2010

Found out today that Kahlia tested positive for both Giardia Lamblia and Ova & Parasite. Great- Just another thing to add to her list. Apparently not a single pharmacy in our area would fill the prescription for what she needed, so we had to go to the inhouse pharmacy at Bay Area Hospital. Not the "normal" pharmacy - the one that is for actual patients at the hospital. I guess they made an "exception" - crazy! So now she is on 3 medications - crazy x2!!
Today I asked Kahlia where my eye was, and she pointed to my eye. I thought, well maybe it was just a coincidence - so I asked her, "Kahlia, where's mommy's nose? She pointed to my nose!! I've been working on that with her - so MAYBE she knows them. I tried later, and she wouldn't do it - I don't know - it's a small step though - encouraging! She's learning to "high five" us, and laughs SO cute when I blow on her tummy. She is a joy to all of us - Brendon spent a good half hour with her on the couch - just talking and loving on her - what a blessing that is to a mommy's heart! :-)

1 comment:

  1. She's doing so well! Consider how short a time she has been with you. Truly, her health and her personality are a miracle! I'm sure those intestinal bugs will be cleared up in no time. Just keep loving on her and God will take care of the details. :) She's so blessed to be a part of your family!
