Monday, May 3, 2010

Only 3 more days before we drive up to Portland. As we were looking at her height and weight - we found out that her weight was converted wrong. She is only 13 1/2 pounds at 19 months old. She is what Makenna was when she was 4 months old. The poor thing. She is 26 1/2 inches in height - what Makenna was at 6 months old. Her head is also what Makenna was a 6 months old. So, I'm thinking the 12 month clothes we have packed pretty much needs to be "unpacked".... Her health is my biggest concern - I just want to get her back here to the states with out any problems. Please Lord!!!

We were thrown another curve ball today. My car broke down in the library parking lot. Had to walk with the kids over to the pool where Scott picked us up. AAA took care of towing our car to the GM dealer - hope it's nothing major - not fun having only one car! But, on the bright side - I'm grateful for our one car. Can't really complain. No matter how we look at - we Americans are SO blessed - we don't even realize.

David told me today that he is going to be brave when we go to India. It was really cute! :-) I know he's having a hard time with the fact that we are leaving him - he's always been the one that takes it the hardest when we leave, but then he's fine after we're gone. My mom is coming down Thursday afternoon. I am SO grateful for her willingness to take over the kids' crazy schedule while we're gone.

1 comment:

  1. Let me know if you need any help with the kids when you're gone! We're praying for you guys!
