What a beautiful day it was! :-) Our family (minus Scott) enjoyed our day out at Honeyman State Park with Scott's mom, sister, and her 3 kids. It was the most beautiful day of the summer!!!!! The kids played in the sand, and in the lake for hours - with out getting cold!! Kahlia has been going through a learning curve with sand - I think she finally realizes that sand doesn't taste too good, and it is definitely hard to chew! She ate lunch, took a nap in her playpen right on the sand, then played in the sand the rest of the afternoon - we were all sand covered from head to toe - but so worth it for such a gorgeous day. This picture in her play pen is SO cool! It's hard to tell, but she actually pulled herself up all by herself! No more putting the blanket over the play pen and her going straight to sleep - it took her about 45 minutes to go to sleep because she was DETERMINED to get herself pulled up! It took her 5-10 minutes to figure out how to even reach her hands high enough to grab the top. Then, after she mastered that task - she proceeded to pull and pull until she was almost in a complete standing position. I could hardly believe it! She barely puts weight on her little feet - so what this picture shows is mostly her incredible arm strength. We are in the process of trying to find a really good pair of supportive shoes in a size 1 - could be difficult -we'll see.
We are off to Family Camp tomorrow at Twin Rocks Friends Camp - our favorite family tradition. Can't wait to make some more memories - Kahlia's first Family Camp - yea!! :-)
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