Today has been a rough day for our little Kahlia. It started out very uneventful this morning as the doctors and crew came by for their rounds and talked about Kahlia. She seemed to have done very well - as they would have expected - through the night. She seems to be out of the "danger" zone, though as the day progressed, she became more and more agitated every time she woke up. They were not able to keep her comfortable, and she cried and squirmed and signed for drink all day. She was absolutely miserable. They said all kids respond differently, but she is on the more difficult end of the spectrum. She did not respond with the amount of drug dosage they normally give her size little girl, they had to give well above what they thought they would have needed. It has been exhausting for all of us. We feel so bad, so helpless as we hold her hand, try to comfort her, but really there is nothing we can do for her. They did take the breathing tube out of her today, so that is good - she is breathing normally on her own. Her heart went in and out of a normal pattern, but as the day has gone on, she has been fairly consistent on her own. We are praying for comfort, that she can stay asleep as that is the only time she is comfortable, and that her body will continue to heal quickly. I was able to hold her for a little while this afternoon, but with all the wires, tubes, IV's, etc. it was really hard to keep her relaxed enough and not get all tangled up in my arms. I got to hold her for probably 45 minutes or so. A blessing, but even then it was hard to have her look in my eyes and plead for a drink that I couldn't give her. :-( She tries to cry, but hardly anything is able to come out. She is probably in horrible pain. The poor thing. She is a fighter that's for sure - they are all saying that here. I think this may be a long night for her - she was fairly quiet last night. The only thing that kept me up last night was her her monitor that beeped every time her heart pumped. It was beeping around 110 times a minute which translated into 6600 beeps an hour which translated to us hearing approximately 59,000 beeps while trying to sleep - needless to say we didn't sleep much on a small single bed for both of us. Scott is going to stay at the Ronald McDonald house tonight so he can get a good night sleep before driving home tomorrow. I will stay here one more night with her before staying at the Ronald McDonald house starting tomorrow. I am looking forward to getting a quiet night sleep.
The picture of Scott is in the room we are staying at the Ronald McDonald House. The picture of Kahlia in bed is how she looked much of the day - struggle, struggle, struggle. The other 2 are of me holding her for a short time. Hang in there Kahlia!!!
Thank you very much for the update! you are still in our prayers!!! Some of my friends are also praying. God is good! Never forget his omnipresence!