Kahlia has had another rough 24 hours. Last night, she began retaining A LOT of water - her kidneys were not functioning, and all the fluid from the IV was going to her lungs, stomach, and everywhere else except where it was supposed to go. Her blood pressure was DANGEROUSLY low, and because of that - her body decides that the most important organs to deliver blood to is the heart, brain, and lungs - not the kidneys. It was really scary last night seeing her numbers so low and knowing that her kidneys were not working. Also, I woke up at one point to her crying, and one of the nurses was pounding a mask all over her back, trying to break up the fluid that was building up in her lungs. Not a fun place to be for her or me! This morning, we had a an outflow of prayer chains from many many people, and immediately after those prayers began, she had her first wet diaper. In a matter of 6 hours, she had more urine outflow then the previous 2 days. Praise the Lord! I don't believe that was a coincidence. She has been more stable today with her over all numbers, but she has been waking up constantly crying, and flailing her arms and legs. She has been administered morphine almost every hour - along with an entire list of other pain meds - she is completely drugged at this point trying to manage her pain. They have concluded that somehow she has been exposed to these drugs before because her resistence to them has been so high. What she was given last night would have made ME flat on my back - amazing. She requires WAY more then any of the doctors or nurses would have ever anticipated. One Respiratory Therapist said she had never seen a child react so constant and fiesty as Kahlia. It's good to see her fighting, it makes her stronger, but she's a little over the top for their liking.
Mid day they decided to take off her respirator mask and tube in her mouth that went to her stomach. She was so irritated by it, they took it out probably sooner then they normally would. The Cardiologist was very surprised, but she's holding her own - like I keep saying - she's a fighter !!! :-) We gave her a few sips from a sippy cup, and she grabbed and drank like there was no tomorrow.
This evening has gone better then it was through the day. She is sleeping a little more soundly, though even now she wakes up briefly every 10-15 min. to let out a scream and let us all know she doesn't like her current situation, then she goes right back to sleep. The poor girl - they say this is the hardest age to do the heart surgery - babies are babies and they don't do much. Older children are old enough to be told what is going on and actually understand. She has no idea what is happening to her and why. Over all - she has improved. For that I am very grateful.
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