We so feel everyone's prayers, and Kahlia is doing just fine. :-) They were worried about her at the hospital, because she was SO lathargic - like a rag doll. She was just burning. I had never seen her so completely out of it. After calling Doernbecher to talk with the Cardiology dept. up here, they knew she should be watched overnight. Doernbecher felt comfortable having her observed at Bay Area Hospital, but the ER doctor did not. He said that if she got worse, they don't have the necessary equipment to take care of her, so he wanted her to go up to Doernbecher....so I drove home, grabbed a change of clothes (Scott was still at the fair for his campaign), and took off with Kahlia to Doernbecher Children's Hospital. Scott's mom and sister were watching the other kiddos thank goodness! :-) By time we got here, her fever was completely gone -wouldn't you know it. After driving all that way, I kind of wanted her to have a fever just so it made it worth the trip! I really am joking - I am very grateful that her fever is gone, just a little frustrated I drove 4 hours for nothing! But, even the doctors and nurses said here that we did the right thing. It's always better to error on the side of caution then to regret not coming in. So here we are - spending another night. She didn't get to bed until about 10:30. Hoping she sleeps through the night - last night she didn't do so well....
The other discouraging thing is that her oxygen sats are back down in the mid 70's - which is what they were before her Cardiac Cath a week in a half ago. So much for added energy! Not sure what the next step now is. Probably won't actually speak to her Cardiologist until sometime early next week.
We also plan to take her into ESD next week for a full evaluation - hearing test - and start her on physical, occupational, and speech therapy - as needed.
As I always say - thanks for all your encouraging words, prayers, and support. This is a difficult time for our family as we have so much on our plate right now! God is faithful, and I KNOW He's carrying us through this time - because we sure couldn't do it on our own!
Thanks so much for the updates, michelle. I read every one of them and continue to keep you all in my prayers!!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are going to ESD. They have been great for us and have helped tons . . . a great group of people.
I'm so glad her fever went down and I will be praying for her and your whole family.