Kahlia at Grandma Brown's house after she came home from the hospital - she looks so good with her PINK finger and toe nails! :-)

Dr. Armsby on the left was the main Cardiac Surgeon performing the procedure. Dr. Bailly was also assisting. We are so grateful for them - they did a GREAT job!
This is a picture of Brendon on his bunk at camp.

This is a picture of Brendon on his bunk at camp.
It's been a week since Kahlia's "procedure". She is doing FABULOUS!! She is getting stronger every day, and we see more of who she really is - it is wonderful! Her first night at home she escaped from her bed, I didn't know it, and she fell asleep in the middle of her floor. Poor girl! The next night, she "escaped" head first out of her bed, and I caught her and put her back in bed. We went through this about 10 times before she decided she didn't want to fight it any more... It's actually good to see her act like a normal almost 2 year old finally! She is also able to get into a sitting position from laying down now. She had only done it once or twice before her procedure, now she does it all day long - it's wonderful to see her get stronger! She no longer stays in the living room when I put her down. If we all leave the room - she follows us now! She is still "scooting" across the floor - but she's going farther and faster then she did before. Hoping to see her crawl soon.
Brendon had a great week of his first overnight camp. I just have to get over the fact that he had "gray" teeth since he only brushed them once all week and dirt had literally begun to stick to the plaque on his teeth, and the fact that he came back with almost all clean clothes - including underwear! I asked him if he liked his counselor, and he told me he is a lot like me. I asked him what he meant by that and he said, " he disciplined a lot and he cares about my feelings". I thought that was hilarious!!
Lovely, lovely, lovely, all the way around!