Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I admit, it's been a while since I've posted. Hard to keep up!! Kahlia was tested positive for Giardia for the fourth time. GRRRR... we will begin her 5th treatment tomorrow...we are doing the same medication we tried last time, but doubling the time. I have less and less optimism with each lab test. It's discouraging that she can't get rid of this parasite she has probably had her entire life!! So, she will take this medication for a week, then we have to wait another 2 weeks after that to test her again - so we're looking at another 3 weeks before we will know anything...

Kahlia got her hearing aids today - they are actually really cute! She has HUGE holes in her eardrums caused from her chronic ear infections, and the doctors cannot surgically close them until she is older or they would burst open again with her very next ear infection. Those huge holes have a huge impact on what she can hear. Though she doesn't seem to have a problem hearing, it's the small sounds and frequencies that she doesn't hear. She has mild to moderate hearing loss that can likely be corrected after surgery. We are hoping that now that she has hearing aids, she will be able to hear and start recognizing consonant sounds, so she can start making those sounds herself! The only consonants we have ever heard her say is "m" and "n". She either vowel matches words, uses no words, or uses sign language. She is getting really good with her signing. I only wish I knew more! Makenna went to the library today with her class, and she came home with a signing book, and she read 80 pages tonight!!! She now meets with a signing lady from ESD a few times a month, as well as speech and physical therapy. She started a small group session with other 2 year olds last week which she really liked. They do fine motor skills projects, story time, gym and obstacle course time, snack time, art time, and free reading time. It was really good for Kahlia to be around kids her own age with the supervision of 2 speech therapists. My life is getting SO busy with all these appointments, waiting for life to settle down a little this summer!! :-)

Kahlia's walking is improving - ever so slowly...she can sometimes take 6-8 steps at a time before falling down. She wants to walk so bad, she just can't seem to balance herself at all. I think there is an equilibrium problem with her ears - I am truly concerned, but no one else seems to be too concerned since she is slowly improving. It's just hard being patient - I really wanted her walking by this summer so we can spend time outside with out her getting every set of clothes filthy diry from crawling everywhere instead of walking!!

That's the update - I will try to be better as we have "updates"! Thanks for your support and prayers - we are truly blessed...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update! Be sure to let me know if I can ever help with running kids around or if they need a place to be when you are running around. :o)

    I just googled "toddler kneepads" and found some cute ones that might make the crawling a little easier to live with...

    Blessings on you and yours!!
