Yesterday was our pre-op appointment at OHSU. Our family drove up to my parents house after AWANAS on Wednesday night. We got there around midnight - ugh... The next day we met with her surgeon - Dr. Milczuk - where he explained everything that he would be doing during the surgery. He told us she may even just spend one night in the hospital - 2 at the most. She will be in a lot of pain for the first 12 hours, but the healing begins immediately, so it should be a fairly uneventful recovery. Easy for me to say since I'm not the one with a bunch of stitches in the top of my mouth! :-( There may be some setbacks and possible complications due to her DiGeorge Syndrome that has caused her to have low muscle tone. We never even thought about the possibility that even the muscles on the inside of her mouth could be "weak" and therefore cause other "problems". We won't know if this will be a problem until after the surgery - there is even a chance of her having to have another surgery in her mouth if the muscles do not "take" like they should. Now we just need to keep her really healthy for the next 2 weeks - we do NOT give her permission to get sick!!
After her appts. at OHSU, we met with our social worker through International Family Services for our second post adoption report. She has done our first 2 (one at 3 months, and now at 6 months) post adoption. From now on, we will do these post adoption reports ourselves, including pictures, and detailed progress on how she is doing. It is very important for us to do these reports for the first 3-4 years after adoption for the Indian gov't to continue to allow further adoptions from the United States. We were finally out the door leaving for home a little after 6pm. Another late night!! Because of us travelling both ways in the dark - thankfully - Kahlia slept most of the drive. She is usually a little stinker on long car rides, and she still had her moments, but for the most part she did great. Looking forward to having all this "stuff" behind us!!!!
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