The high light for the kids is fishing at the lake - they saw a HUGE bass that was taunting them the whole time. There's a reason why it's so big - it can outsmart all the fishermen! :-)
Kahlia's first boat ride - she's a little "squished" with her lifejacket on, but she did GREAT! :-)
Over all, it's been a GREAT weekend! :-) I got home with Kahlia on Saturday just before 2:00. Just after 2:00, a home health nurse from Bay Area Hospital came out to our house to "teach" us how to administer her IV 3 times a day. We give her the antibiotic through the IV every day at 6:30, 2:30, and 10:30. I'm very grateful for a husband who hardly had to be "taught" - he knew exactly what to do, and so far, I haven't had to give her the antibiotic myself. Whew!!! It's a little scary to me. She seems to be responding to the medicine. Her ears do not smell at all - we give it to her for 14 days. On Sunday morning, since we are still not wanting to bring Kahlia to church, we headed out to our lakehouse for a day and night. It was really fun to get away and enjoy the peaceful setting of the lake. Kahlia had her first boat ride - didn't know what to think about it, but she didn't cry! Come to think about it, she hardly ever cries - we have been so blessed and completely amazed at how well she is doing despite so many things wrong with the poor girl. She is tugging a bit at her right ear, but other then that, you would never know her ears are VERY infected, her heart is desperate for surgery, her thyroid is not working properly, and she probably has a list a mile high of other medical "problems". Through it all though, she is the happiest little girl. She loves to smile and wave at people, she loves to look at herself in the mirror (what little girl doesn't?), she loves to play with her brothers and sister (they love to play with her!), and she loves to cuddle in my arms. Through it all, she is a complete joy. I have been struggling with all the potential problems we may have with her now and in the future. It can be very discouraging, but then I just have to look at her and her beautiful smile back at me, and I know that what ever happens in her and our future, she was brought into our family for a special reason, and God has an amazing plan for this little girl.
Today was the last day for Scott to reach his "goals" for his campaign. He met them with A LOT of hard work. He had certain criteria that had to be met in just the months of April and May. He knocked on 3000 doors, called 1000 people on the phone, another 1000 calls were made mostly by our two moms (they were a HUGE blessing to us!! :-)), and he raised over $15,000. All while squeazing a trip to India in there and adjusting to our new family!!! I am very proud of him - it was a lot of work and stress, but he did it. Now, he needs to take a little breather and relax - well, maybe after this week since we have baseball games almost every night! We are all physically and emotionally exhausted, but I know we will look back on these days with happy memories. It's not so bad - things could always be worse. I want to remember to always rest in the arms of Jesus, and know that He is in control of our lives not just yesterday, but today, and always! If we put our trust in Him - we will always be in His perfect will. And, if we are in His perfect will, then we know that all things happen for a reason - God does not create mistakes, nor does He make mistakes. His "path" for us is the only one I want to be on. Thank you Jesus for everything - a family, a home, and most importantly, your love. :-)
Over all, it's been a GREAT weekend! :-) I got home with Kahlia on Saturday just before 2:00. Just after 2:00, a home health nurse from Bay Area Hospital came out to our house to "teach" us how to administer her IV 3 times a day. We give her the antibiotic through the IV every day at 6:30, 2:30, and 10:30. I'm very grateful for a husband who hardly had to be "taught" - he knew exactly what to do, and so far, I haven't had to give her the antibiotic myself. Whew!!! It's a little scary to me. She seems to be responding to the medicine. Her ears do not smell at all - we give it to her for 14 days. On Sunday morning, since we are still not wanting to bring Kahlia to church, we headed out to our lakehouse for a day and night. It was really fun to get away and enjoy the peaceful setting of the lake. Kahlia had her first boat ride - didn't know what to think about it, but she didn't cry! Come to think about it, she hardly ever cries - we have been so blessed and completely amazed at how well she is doing despite so many things wrong with the poor girl. She is tugging a bit at her right ear, but other then that, you would never know her ears are VERY infected, her heart is desperate for surgery, her thyroid is not working properly, and she probably has a list a mile high of other medical "problems". Through it all though, she is the happiest little girl. She loves to smile and wave at people, she loves to look at herself in the mirror (what little girl doesn't?), she loves to play with her brothers and sister (they love to play with her!), and she loves to cuddle in my arms. Through it all, she is a complete joy. I have been struggling with all the potential problems we may have with her now and in the future. It can be very discouraging, but then I just have to look at her and her beautiful smile back at me, and I know that what ever happens in her and our future, she was brought into our family for a special reason, and God has an amazing plan for this little girl.
Today was the last day for Scott to reach his "goals" for his campaign. He met them with A LOT of hard work. He had certain criteria that had to be met in just the months of April and May. He knocked on 3000 doors, called 1000 people on the phone, another 1000 calls were made mostly by our two moms (they were a HUGE blessing to us!! :-)), and he raised over $15,000. All while squeazing a trip to India in there and adjusting to our new family!!! I am very proud of him - it was a lot of work and stress, but he did it. Now, he needs to take a little breather and relax - well, maybe after this week since we have baseball games almost every night! We are all physically and emotionally exhausted, but I know we will look back on these days with happy memories. It's not so bad - things could always be worse. I want to remember to always rest in the arms of Jesus, and know that He is in control of our lives not just yesterday, but today, and always! If we put our trust in Him - we will always be in His perfect will. And, if we are in His perfect will, then we know that all things happen for a reason - God does not create mistakes, nor does He make mistakes. His "path" for us is the only one I want to be on. Thank you Jesus for everything - a family, a home, and most importantly, your love. :-)
I agree completely!