June 5, 2009
Wow, I've never blogged, nor do I know really how to blog - but here I go! I decided to create this so our friends and family could follow our adoption process as we go! Though we have been on this journey for almost 3 years, I finally feel like we are seeing a small glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel. We received a COPY of Kahlia's CSR (Child Study Report) on Wednesday, June 3 via email. We now know she was born to an unwed mother, and is now in an orphanage in Pune, India. It is south west of New Delhi, India. We received a very comprehensive medical report which we already knew the results of. Our little Kahlia will have to endure 2 very extensive and painful surgeries soon after coming to America. First and most important, she will need to have heart surgery. She as a heart defect called Tetrology of Fallot. With out surgery she would most certainly die at a young age. Not only will we be amazingly blessed by a new daughter, but she will be blessed with the gift of life - what an amazing story for all of our lives. After her recovery from heart surgery, she will then need to have surgery to correct her cleft pallot (the roof of her mouth). We were told in her CSR that milk often comes out of her nose when they try to feed her. Makes sense since there is a big hole in the roof of her mouth! Poor little girl - I can't wait to hold her and tell her everything is going to be ok.
We are hoping to officially sign the orginal CSR in the next week or so. They haven't sent it to us yet. Once we sign it, we are officially accepting her referral. International Family Services (IFS) will then send the CSR along with our completed dossier to the Indian government where it will likely take months for her to get a passport and have all the paper work done for us to go pick her up.
Well, that's about it for now. Please keep us in your prayers. This has been such a long journey, we are ready to finally be done with the waiting...
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