Monday, May 9, 2011

It's hard to believe it's been one year since we held our little Kahlia for the first time in Pune, India. We have had quite a year - completely exhausting, but I wouldn't trade one single day - Kahlia has been such a blessing to me and our family - I am thankful that God has brought her into our lives forever. She has made such huge changes this first year - it's hard to imagine what she will be doing in another year - hopefully talking!!! :-)
This last weekend, Mother's Day weekend, my parents watched Kahlia while I took Makenna to a Mother/daughter retreat at Tilikum Retreat Center. It was the first time we had left her by herself - with out even her siblings. My parents said she did great - she has a special bond with her grandpa Brown!!
A week in a half ago, we thought Kahlia may have broken her right ankle - she wouldn't put pressure on it, and wouldn't even try to walk. After having it xrayed and nothing came up, we just waited and after a week in a half, she seems to be back walking normally - I guess she just had a little sprain! I would not have enjoyed the idea of a cast on her foot/leg for 6-8 weeks - yuck! As for her walking, she is doing fabulous. She is getting better at walking on uneven surfaces, inclines, grass, etc. She still is very cautious and walks a little like a wet noodle, but she is a very determined little girl, and does not give up easily. She keeps trying and trying until she gets it - now if she would just try that with her speech!! :-)
We have scheduled for Scott to take Kahlia to Seattle Childrens Hospital next month. She will be seeing a doctor in the infectious disease clinic. I want to get this giardia taken care of once and for all! Though slowly, she is still growing. She is now wearing 18 month clothes, and size 3 shoes. She's finally outgrowing the clothes that she wore when we first brought her home last May. It has been fun to finally have her wear new clothes this spring!!! We are hoping to schedule soon for her to have a consult with the doctor that Scott wants to have do Kahlia's next cleft palate surgery. We do not plan on using the same surgeon we used last time. I really want to get the surgery done soon so we can start some intense speech therapy! She still attempts very little speech. She won't even try. She says momma - and a few other vowel matching words - like "o" for hot, and "i" for hi, and "ni ni" for night night, but that's about it. Her signing vocabulary continues to grow, which is great - except when she goes places where people do not know any sign!!
Baseball season has begun, and between David and Brendon's 2 games a week each plus all 3 still on the swim team, it is making a very, very busy spring for us! Kahlia is a little trooper being dragged around all over town, but someday, it will be her turn! :-)
As I reflect on how God has watched over us this past year, I am truly amazed at his faithfulness to each member of our family. He has taught us all so many lessons - lessons of patience, selflessness, and His never ending love. Kahlia has touched so many lives this past year - she has given everyone around her indescribable joy. Her endless and beautiful smiles, adorable laughs, and fun personality has been such a blessing to all of us. Yes, she can be absolutely full of it sometimes, she still brings such energy and life to everyone around her - I feel so blessed to call her my daughter!!
Though this blog focuses on Kahlia, I have 3 other amazing children that I love VERY VERY much!! They along with Kahlia bring me more joy then a mother should be allowed to have. Each child brings something different and special to the family. Spending this past weekend with just Makenna at Tilikum really meant a lot to me. She helps out the most with Kahlia, sacrifices a lot, she deserved a very special one on one with me this weeke end!!
Pictures to be posted soon - I left me camera at my parents, and I won't get it back until Tuesday night!