It is here that I've been documenting our adoption story. It was a discouraging journey for many years, but we are now in the midst of an amazing story. Kahlia has blessed us beyond words. She has filled our hearts completely with who God made her to be, and none of us could imagine our life with out her. We are now a family of six and continue on with the journey we call LIFE. Colossians 1:17 - He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
We are gearing up for a fun weekend with a childhood friend of mine and her family that are coming down for a visit from the Portand area. Looking forward to some good family time out at the lake, and making memories with our kids. Happy 4th of July everyone! :-)
Friday, June 25, 2010
David is a ring bearer in Tori Seviers wedding tomorrow - she's been one of our babysitters since Brendon was itty bitty! He is going to be SO CUTE in his little tux. Busy times, busy times, but God is faithful, I know that full well. tired...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ;-)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Her oxygen stats have been on the lower side all day today - averaging only in the mid 60's. One of the Cardiologists told me that if her stats continue like that through the night, we may leave here tomorrow with her attached to an oxygen tank until her surgery - that doesn't sound like fun - I'm sensing a pattern here - I'm not looking forward to the next 3-4 weeks!! But then again - what do I have to complain about - it's poor Kahlia that has to go through all of this - I can't even imagine what she will go through. We will find out Monday or Tuesday when her surgery will be.
At one point tonight the nurses could not find a pulse in her right foot. That was the side her cath went in so they were a little concerned. Her foot was warm so they knew blood was going through there, but they have to be really careful to check for blood clots. Luckily - with the help of a doppler machine - they heard the pulse - a little unnerving to say the least!
Eventually I will post some pictures of her here in the hospital - she had some cute moments, and some not so cute moments. I choose to remember the cute moments BEFORE the cath! :-) It's amazing how many wires are hooked up to her right now!
I am SO tired! As I type, I can hardly keep my eyes open. So tired - it's been a long couple of day. Ready for some rest!:-)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
We made an unexpected trip to Doernbecher this morning...with Kahlia's oxygen stats in the 50%'s - her Cardiologist wanted to check on her. Her stats were a little higher today - high 60's - not good, but better then yesterday (either that or the machine in her Pediatrician's office isn't as accurate as theirs at OHSU). She also saw the ENT, and they confirmed that her ears are no longer infected - though her left side is still inflamed, and the tube already came out after just 3 weeks. GRRR!!! She was so good for them. They started poking around in her ears, and she just laid motionless looking at them - and they commented how good she was being. Before we knew it, she completely fell asleep on the chair with instruments prodding around in her ear!! It was hilarious - they said they had never had that happen before! But, we had woken her up an hour earlier then she usually does, didn't sleep a minute the entire 4 hour drive up - and it was an hour past her nap time. The poor thing is such a little trooper. So the plan is still to come back up next Wednesday night for her cath on Thursday morning...we're going to be logging a lot of miles up here this summer I think!!
Looking forward to a fun weekend in Eugene this weekend. Spending time tomorrow with my college friend Kristin in Eugene, then the kids have a swim meet Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Meets always make the kids' hard work worth it! :-)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Yesterday she said her first word that we knew she was really saying..."hi" along with a smile and cute wave. Precious... she's very proud of her new word, and says it often. :-) What a joy it has been to watch her begin to blossom. She weighed 17 lb. 3 oz. today at her appt. She has gained 1 lb 2oz. since she has been back to the states. Today marks her one month anniversary of being in the United States. She has been such a joy to our entire family. We love her more with each day - and she is bonding really well with our family. The kids still fight about who gets to hold her, play with her, push her in the stroller. The newness hasn't worn off yet - what a blessing! She is starting to not go to other people as much any more - she wants to stay with me. That means she feels safe with me - so I must be doing my "mommy" job well!! :-)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Today I asked Kahlia where my eye was, and she pointed to my eye. I thought, well maybe it was just a coincidence - so I asked her, "Kahlia, where's mommy's nose? She pointed to my nose!! I've been working on that with her - so MAYBE she knows them. I tried later, and she wouldn't do it - I don't know - it's a small step though - encouraging! She's learning to "high five" us, and laughs SO cute when I blow on her tummy. She is a joy to all of us - Brendon spent a good half hour with her on the couch - just talking and loving on her - what a blessing that is to a mommy's heart! :-)
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
I'm having my own issues. I've had a head "something" since we came back from India. I thought it was just a head cold, but it's just not getting better. I've been on antibiotics for over a week thinking I had a sinus infection, but it hasn't seemed to help. I feel like I can barely function. Ugghhh... :-(